McCrystal Insurance Brokers Issue 5 | Page 4

Boat insurance in a nutshell You finally saved up enough to buy the boat you’ve been eyeing for years, and can’t wait to take her out for the first time. Or maybe you own a cargo ship that transports goods regularly. In either case, the last thing you want is for something to happen to your boat, passengers, or property. For this reason, many boaters purchase boat or marine insurance to help cover the costs of such unfortunate events. The article below discusses different types of boat insurance, what’s covered, and important things to consider when selecting insurance. What Is Boat or Marine Insurance? Boat and marine insurance are similar, but marine insurance deals with commercial vessels while regular boat insurance is for recreational boaters. Boat insurance helps you cover your losses if there’s an accident and property is damaged or people are injured, depending on the type of policy you buy. While your homeowner’s insurance policy might cover a small boat under certain circumstances, other types of boats require actual boat insurance in order to be covered. Like other kinds of insurance, you have options regarding the amounts of your deductible and the liability limits.