McCrystal Insurance Brokers Issue 5 | Page 18

“If you’r in the medial industry…you need this cover” MEDICAL MALPRACTICE INDEMNITY The Need Given the nature of the procedures performed by medical professionals, and the multitude of scenarios where negligence or an accident may occur, it is essential that individuals working in the medical industry have insurance should anything go wrong as a result of their actual or perceived negligence or malpractice. As South Africa becomes an increasingly more litigious society, so medical practitioners, and establishments performing medical procedures, will provide a more active source of litigation to the legal profession. This trend is compounded by the high earnings potential of such claims for lawyers. The result is that the number of medical malpractice claims, in excess of R5m, has rocketed by 900% over the past decade. The new Consumer Protection Act (CPA), which came into force on 01 April 2011, only further increases medical professionals’ exposure due to the stringent requirements of the Act, as well as heightened consumer awareness.