FIRE The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 It will be the responsibility of the Manager to ensure that weekly tests are carried out on the fire alarm systems and that a Fire Risk Assessment is carried out regularly. The Manager or nominated person will ensure that fire extinguishers are available at locations to be advised by the fire assessment. All fire extinguishers are to be checked annually by a specialist contractor. Cooker hoods and extractors will be cleaned regularly to prevent a build-up of flammable substances. The Kitchen Manager will be responsible for scheduling this. It will be the responsibility of all staff to ensure that fire doors are kept closed and that all routes to fire exits are kept clear at all times. Nothing will be permitted to be stored in corridors where it could obstruct an escape route. The Manager will ensure that fire drills are carried out twice PA. COMPUTER SCREENS ​ The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations, 1992 staff The assessments will consider the amount of time a person uses a VDU and the work done, the usability of their workstation and general working environment. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations (PPE) 1992 The Manager will ensure that all staff have access to a sufficient supply of disposable non latex gloves/aprons etc. and other PPE when required. safety handbook These arrangements and procedures will be reviewed annually or when there is a change in circumstances, in work practices or the introduction of new legislation. Name: Dominic McCartan Position: Managing Director Date: <> Signature: INTOXICATED OR ABUSIVE CUSTOMERS All staff will be trained to recognise a customer who is under the influence of alcohol. Bar staff will refuse to serve alcohol to anyone they believe is drunk. Where required and employed, SIA registered door staff will ensure that any customer causing a disturbance is removed from the premises. Repeat offenders will be barred from entry. The Manager will ensure suitable assessments are carried out for all persons who use display screen equipment. ∠ | ∠ 2 0 1 6 / 2 0 1 7 MCCARTANS