MCA Catalog 2017 | Page 7

NEW PRODUCTS | 7 Transition Resources Booklet Series The authors of this transition series have based their advice on a combined 40 years of military service, 19 years in market research, 7 years in the Defense Industry, and 10 years Federal Civil Service. They’ve been candidates, recruiters, hiring managers, coaches, and mentors for transitioning veterans. By applying their “actionable intelligence” to the kinds of situations ahead, you’ll be far more likely to transition with less fog and frustration, land well, and earn more. TRANSITION RESOURCES TRANSITION RESOURCES MILITARY TO CIVILIAN NT EM PL OY ME ON TR AN SI TI TI PS TRANSITION RESOURCES Understanding r and Developing You Personal Brand TRANSI TION RE SOURCE S 50 piece minimum of same title. No. of Books Price Per Book 50-99 $20.95 100-249 $10.95 250-499 $7.95 500-999 $6.95 1000+ $5.95 Understa nding and demon strating transfer able skil ls THE CIVILIA INTERV N IEW MAP-2306 Military to Civilian Employment Transition Tips MAP-2307 Civilian Career Fairs MAP-2308 The Civilian Interview MAP-2371 Understanding and Developing Your Personal Brand MAP-2372 Understanding and Demonstrating Transferable Skills ACTION S TO IM PROVE CHANCE YOUR S FOR SU CCESS DIGITAL VERSIONS ALSO AVAILABLE MAP-DIG2306 Military to Civilian Employment Transition Tips MAP-DIG2307 Civilian Career Fairs MAP-DIG2308 The Civilian Interview MAP-DIG2371 Understanding and Developing Your Personal Brand MAP-DIG2372 Understanding and Demonstrating Transferable Skills Digital Versions $8.95 Each Local 1-516-496-4042 • Toll Free 1-877-813-4MCA (4622) • Fax 516-496-4050 •