MBA friends Magazine MBA friends Magazine 1 issue | Page 2

Business school alumni's donations and how this is done in Croatia? By Krešimir Profaca, MBA There are a lot of examples of donations from American high school and post graduate alumni. Probably every school has its own hall, or building, or even a whole school program that is named after a donor, who has donated some funds to this institution. This trend is becoming more and more popular also in Europe, especially in Great Britain. What’s the situation in Croatia? Here there are no evidence and stories, or at least nobody speaks about them publicly. Although we all probably aware of the fact, that schools need substantial funds for their operation, because more resources mean better equipment, quality and numerous researches, attract more and better-known professors, and enables them a better development, etc., the donations to schools in our country don’t exist. Or at least the donations are not even close to the levels that are common in the United States and increasingly in Western Europe.