Mayo Dairy - August 2013 | Page 12

Mayo Dairy 2013 ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION AND EXPENDITURE Mayo dairy CONSUMTPIONS (kWh) Account Number 3301049666 TOTAL Month May Jun-13 Jul-13 kWh 201,010.00 150,328.00 602726.20 kVa 906 645 2546 R R R EXPENDITURE Council Bill Amount Over / Undercharge - 232,364.35 R 181,055.24 R R 683,313.53 kWh 250,000.00 200,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 50,000.00 May kVa June EXPENDITURE R 300,000.00 R 200,000.00 R 100,000.00 RMay *The graph compares consumption and expenditure over a three month period. No invoice received June NUS Consulting SA - August 2013