Mayim Magazine V.1 March 2015 | Page 29

“There is a lot of interest in Israel as a blooming country with a successful model for those countries which are still in process of turning into successful states,” explains Ambassador Oryan. “Israel, after 66 years, has shown how you can turn a desert into a blooming garden, and at the same time create a society that cares about others, with minorities getting full rights. In the last year, we had visits from ministers, heads of states and high officials from most of the Balkan countries. During these visits, except for the usual political meetings, we took them to see leading Israeli high-tech entrepreneurs, as well as Israeli achievements in water management, agriculture, the health sector, and medicine. You encourage them to see, and then you try to build partnerships. This is what it is all about… partnerships.”

One such partnership is very successful, with the Israeli company Netafim, which offers the technology of Israel’s drip irrigation system. “They have amazing cooperation with Macedonia,” explains Ambassador Oryan. “The Israeli drip irrigation system is making corn three times what it used to be.”

This year Israel is celebrating 20 years of diplomatic relations with Macedonia. Ambassador Oryan has been preparing big cultural gatherings which include journalists, writers, poets, book publishers, filmmakers, photographers, dancers, and theatrical artists who are participating in events with their Macedonian counterparts. There will also be high officials visiting both countries, and businessmen interested in investments. The purpose of this kind of strategic cooperation is to establish better ties and draw the two countries closer together.