MASKING PRODUCTS – Tapes, Caps & Plugs
A Winning Process
For Custom Masking
An introduction to custom molded masks by John D. Gill
Most masking supply
companies carry a variety
of standard molded
masking items such as
caps and plugs.
Sometimes, however,
that just isn’t enough
and a custom molded
item is needed.
A custom molded
solution can be anything
from a simple cap to a
complex molded product
forming an integral part
of the finishing or
protection process.
All custom molded masking solutions start with
a problem. This can be as basic as the lack
of a standard mask for the component, or a
production problem such as not being able to
mask enough components per hour. The process
of getting to the solution using a custom molded
mask should follow a series of logical steps.
Firstly, there needs to be a lot of listening.
The masking supply company needs to listen
to the problems and completely understand
the requirements. They also need to appreciate
the process that the masking or protection
product will go through in its lifecycle.
Secondly, there needs to be a series of concept
drawings and ideas, with a frank exchange of
information between the engineer designing the
solution and the people who will be using it.
This exchange of information will ensure sealing
areas are in the right place; handles are
optimized to reduce shadowing whilst still being
ergonomic and that
poka-yoke systems are
present. An investment
of time by the right
people at this stage will
guarantee the solution
has the best possible
chance of success.
In parallel with drawing
up concept designs,
material selection can
silicone or lower temperature materials such as
neoprene, vinyl or EDPM. There’s a much wider
range of materials available when it comes to
a custom masking solution, which in some
cases may be more suitable or economic for the
application. Materials such as natural rubber,
nitrile, vinyl, SBR or even a high temperature
vinyl such as Flex500 from Caplugs may all be
good choices depending on the application.
Samples of materials should be tested in the
finishing process at this stage.
The next stage of the development may involve
prototypes. Prototypes can be produced using
3D printers or by additive manufacturing as it
is also known. 3D printing has been in the news
a lot recently and there is no reason why a
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