Various stages have been gone through,
from the basic design of the vehicle
and bringing together the team to
then build it. The vehicle being named
BLOODHOUND SSC after Ron Ayers’
first missile, the Bristol Bloodhound 2 an incredible surface-to-air missile that
could accelerate from standstill to Mach 1
in 2.5 seconds. And BLOODHOUND is
no lightweight, weighing in at 7 ½ tons,
and is 44 feet long by 6 feet wide,
powered by three engines: a Rolls-Royce
EJ200 jet from a Eurofighter Typhoon,
a cluster of NAMMO hybrid rockets and
a 650 bhp racecar engine that drives the
rocket oxidiser pump. Between them they
generate 135,000 equivalent hp,
equal to 180 F1 cars. And at full speed
BLOODHOUND SSC will cover a mile in
3.6 seconds, that’s 4.5 football pitches
laid end to end per second.
BLOODHOUND SSC is currently being
assembled at the BLOODHOUND
Technical Centre in Bristol. It is on
schedule for roll out summer 2015 wh