May/June 2018 | Page 14

G ove r n men t Re lat ions forward and in developing relationships that make the legislative process work for us. Thanks to their efforts a number of House members spontaneously pledged to support PDA and be a “YES” vote on SB 373. We will remind them of their commitments at the appropriate time. There is no substitute for connecting at the grassroots level. Everyone exerts more effort for a friend than for a stranger. We need to be more than constituents. Each PDA member needs to develop a relationship with their Senator and House member so that we aren’t the people who only contact them when we need something. We have to befriend them and support them throughout the year. There are many ways to make 12 MAY/JU NE 2018 | P EN N S YLVA N IA D EN TA L J O UR N A L contact and start developing the connection. PDA will help you find the way that works for you and your personal style. We can help you with talking points, sample letters and tips on how to make your visit to a legislator’s office as productive, and fun, as possible. In this year of PDA’s 150 th anniversary we need to take time to reflect on those who came before us and gave us an organization that has kept organized dentistry, patient care and the needs of the profession at the forefront of the Pennsylvania legislative agenda. As we remember those who blazed the trail we now follow it is incumbent upon us to use our time and talents to set the stage for those who follow us for the next 150 years.