May-June 2017 May-June17 | Page 3

E ditorial “ Too many women lawyers are failing to make partner IBERIAN LAWYER May/June 2017 Customer dissatisfaction Changing legal advisers Flexible working What’s your policy? Firm re-engineering Adapting to meet demand Still in the shadows Women lawyers in Iberian law firms ” Though the proportion of women partners at Spain’s leading law firms has increased slightly in the last three years, progress on this issue is painfully slow. New research conducted by Iberian Lawyer shows that 16 per cent of the partners at Spain’s leading law firms are women, up from 14 per cent in 2014. Female lawyers in Portugal are experiencing more success than their Spanish counterparts – one in four partners (26 per cent) at the top Portuguese firms are women (see News Focus on page 16), though it means the proportion of women partners at Lisbon’s leading firms has not increased for three years. What makes this notable is the fact that the majority of law graduates recruited by law firms each year are women. As highlighted in our Madrid Annual Report (page 26), the fact that a disproportionately large number of women lawyers are failing to make partner is of concern to law firm leaders. “A high number of incoming associates at law firms are women, but we’re losing them along the way,” says one Madrid-based managing partner. “Law firms need to be better at retaining and promoting them – clients are more diverse than law firms, the question is ‘how do we better reflect our clients?’” Elsewhere in this issue, a survey of in-house lawyers at leading companies in Spain and Portugal reveals that three-quarters of them have switched legal adviser in the last two years. What should be of concern to law firms is that the most common reason given for switching law firms was “dissatisfaction with the legal adviser’s work”. What can lawyers learn from this? The study showed that minimising the delay when reacting to clients’ requests, ensuring you have a detailed knowledge of your client’s business, as well as showing a willingness to act as a business partner, goes a long way to keeping clients happy. Ben Cook Editor Iberian Lawyer [email protected] Twitter: @BenCook_Iberian May / June 2017 • IBERIAN LAWYER • 1