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Top Movies , DVD ' s , & Streaming TV
1 ) Ripley - From the 1955 Patricia Highsmith book The Talented Mr Ripley that spawned four follow-up novels and the 1999 movie starring Jude Law , this new series stars Andrew Scott as the not exactly ethical Tom Ripley , and follows his ongoing con . Filmed in stark black and white , Scott ' s greed and trip toward what he dreams is success is full of noir touches - in stark contrast to the full color of the film . This series turns up the tension - and it is terrific . See it ! - on Netflix ... 2 ) Strictly Confidential - This could be the first movie script written by A . I . - if that application was only fed every cheesy , straight-to-cable erotic thriller from the early ‘ 90s . Extra freaky fact - director Damian Hurley , exploiting the sex appeal of his mom , Elizabeth , for the benefit of this uninteresting mystery .... Avoid it ! - now in theatres ... 3 ) Parachute - This month ' s sleeper ! Child actress Brittany Snow ( Daisy in Guiding Light , Chloe in Pitch Perfect ) has long wanted to get behind the camera , and she had to co-write this script to do it . And she proves to be even more talented as a writer-director in this evocative film - take on a relatable story of eventual redemption . See it ! - soon to be streaming .... 4 ) Snack Shack - We have seen it before - but this is a charming reboot of the coming of age comedy , this time set in 1991 . Two teen buddies spend their summer trying to make cash by running the decrepit community pool snack bar . Things are going great until a beautiful stranger almost tears them apart ... Rent it ! - through Amazon Prime ...
Stephen Malizia montour04 @ gmail . com
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