MAY '23 - GOOD NEWS issue to publish online | Page 41

Ask Greta

Silly Snapshots

Dear Greta ,
My girlfriend is constantly late , which is annoying , but what ' s more annoying is that there ' s always an excuse : She had one more thing to get done at work ; traffic was horrible ; her dog wouldn ' t pee so she had to walk him longer ; she couldn ' t get somebody off the phone ; etc . She always apologizes and then is always late the next time . I don ' t take her lateness as a sign she doesn ' t care enough about me , but it doesn ' t exactly feel great , either , and it ' s getting tiresome . What to do ?
- Waiting
Dear Waiting ,
Chronic inconsideration , even if isn ' t intentional , chips away at a relationship . ( The way to your heart is not through your girlfriend ' s last minute " to do " list ). Explain that you understand that her chronic lateness isn ' t an attack on you , but if there is " one more thing " she could squeeze in , perhaps it could be the thought of how you feel sitting all alone in a restaurant , or having to get her caught up on the movie she ' s 30 minutes late for . Tell her it would mean a lot to you , if , for the next few weeks , she ' d make a serious effort to show up when she says she will . Of course , three weeks is just a start , but that sounds less daunting than " Stop being late right now !" Praise any efforts and improvements you see , and don ' t expect perfection . Just hope she comes to realize how much her ontime arrival improves your relationship !
Mail your questions to Greta at : “ Good News ” P . O . Box 99 , Avis , PA 17721 , or email them to : bearcountrygoodnews @ gmail . com .

Thought For The Day

“ You cannot go through a single day without having an impact on the world around you . What you do makes a difference . You just have to decide what kind of difference you want to make ." - Jane Goodall
Unfortunate letter outage of the week !
See something that tickles your funny bone ? Email your picture to : bearcountrygoodnews @ gmail . com .
Keep it clean , please ! Be sure to include your name , address , and phone number in email .
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