The book we really needed was " What to expect 17 years after you were expecting ." .............................................
............................................. A mother is never more needed than when she eats , showers , goes to the bathroom , or is on the phone . ............................................. I missed two of my mom ' s calls , so I assume the helicopter that just flew over my house is part of the search crew she called .
Congratulations to the
BEST MOM in Bear Country -
CONNIE PACKER OF HOWARD ... nominated by Travis Packer of Howard :
flowers by monica
Fresh Cut Floral Arrangements , Willow Tree , Mug Sets , Teddy Bears , Picture Frames , & Much More !
Brighten Someone ' s Day ... Send a Bouquet - Curbside Pick Up and Delivery Available !
( 570 ) 726-7708 101 Main Street , Mill Hall
- Mom Humor -
The book we really needed was " What to expect 17 years after you were expecting ." .............................................
Nobody is more full of false hope than a mom who places items on the stairs for her family members to carry up .
............................................. A mother is never more needed than when she eats , showers , goes to the bathroom , or is on the phone . ............................................. I missed two of my mom ' s calls , so I assume the helicopter that just flew over my house is part of the search crew she called .
Congratulations to the
BEST MOM in Bear Country -
CONNIE PACKER OF HOWARD ... nominated by Travis Packer of Howard :
" My mom is a special person because she always believes in doing right with people . She is honest , and always taught her children to have faith in the Lord and he will guide you in your life and help you any time . She took care of my father , Popeye Parker , with his health issues till his death in 2021 . She has some heart problems but says she will leave it in the Lord ' s hands and whatever is meant to be will be . My mom is the type of person you can call any time of the day and she will try to help you and pray for you . That ' s why I feel my mother is special to me and my sisters . In closing , have a great Mother ' s Day mom , and I love you very much !"
Congrats Connie ! Connie wins a beautiful bouquet from Flowers by Monica in Mill Hall for being such a great mom ! www . bearcountrygoodnews . com “ Good News ” -- May -- 35