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Your Guardian Angel preschool and childcare
" Where fun and learning come together ."
701 Allegheny Street , Jersey Shore Phone : 570-398-4877
225 East Church Street , Lock Haven Phone : 570-748-8249
Owners : Christopher and Nichol Bilbay Email : yourguardianangelpreschool @ yahoo . com
FOR CHILDREN 6 WEEKS TO 12 YEARS We strive to provide a positive environment , enriched with developmentally and age-appropriate opportunities , guided by caring and nurturing teachers and friends . We accept every child as the unique individual that they are , and will guide them through environmental exploration , creative play , and pre-education , by providing the best child care possible .
• As a center , we supply breakfast until 8:30 am , AM Snack , Lunch , and PM Snack . All meals and snacks align with the CACFP guidelines , which monitors us to give healthy choices .
• We are a Peanut-Free site .
• We offer a before and after school age program . We also have a summer camp that we do with school age children , that includes field trips and swimming .
Find peace for your heart , your soul , and for eternity ... thestoryfilm . com
Pastor Doug Packard
814-234-7341 • help @ scprc . com
Opening the scriptures each week ... Sundays at 6:30am - " Hear the Word " on WQBR 99.9 FM . Sundays Live at 9:30am and 10:30am and Wednesdays at 7pm at First Baptist Church , 210 North Vesper Street in Lock Haven . Sundays at 3pm at Facebook . com / pr / FBCLHPA / Posts . 570-748-3744
Now serving State College & Lock Haven !
Free services related to :
• Pregnancy
• Parenting
• Sexual Health
Call or email to schedule an appointment . www . bearcountrygoodnews . com “ Good News ” -- May -- 23