Copiers / MFP ' s --- Printers --- Document Solutions
200 East Main Street , Lock Haven www . willitscopiers . com • copiers @ willitscopiers . com
-- Lock Haven Area Happenings --
Dancin ' through the Decades
Senior Prom - senior citizens are invited to this age 55 + gathering . $ 10 Y members ; $ 20 non-members . Held from 6 - 8pm at the Lock Haven Branch YMCA , 145 East Water Street , Lock Haven . Tix available at the Y front desk .
Info : ( 570 ) 726-6727 x 803 rvrymca . org
Join host and Clinton County Historian , Lou Bernard , on hour long walking tours Friday nights in June and July . The walks start at 7pm at the Ross Library , 232 West Main Street in Lock Haven .
Info : ( 570 ) 748-3321 ross13 @ rosslibrary . org
Spaghetti Dinner
Take out only 4 - 6pm . $ 10 tickets available in advance or at door . Dinner includes spaghetti , meatballs , bread , and dessert . Held at the Bald Eagle Presbyterian Church , 111 Main Street , Mill Hall . Funds benefit the Church .
Info : ( 570 ) 726-4112 / bepresby . org
MAY 26th - 30th FLAGS OF HONOR
Flags of Honor will fly in Triangle Park , Lock Haven , Friday evening through Tuesday evening of Memorial Day weekend . A ceremony will be held Sunday , May 28 , at 12pm . Anyone may sponsor a flag for $ 35 each . For an order form , email dlhrotary @ gmail . com or visit the club ’ s Facebook page .
Info : ( 570 ) 893-1223
Willits Copiers , Inc .
Copiers / MFP ' s --- Printers --- Document Solutions
Clinton County ' s Local
Document Solutions source
200 East Main Street , Lock Haven www . willitscopiers . com • copiers @ willitscopiers . com
16 “ Good News ” -- May -- www . bearcountrygoodnews . com