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A4 May 2024 Pamplin Media Group

2040 plan

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tabulated and scored , creating data points of what was desired for a vision of the future . Next came sorting through the data and refining it . Six priorities were then identified of what residents felt were most important for the next 16 years .
2040 key priorities
1 . Continue to promote a consistent , high level of security and safety
2 . Preserve financial strength , stability and integrity
3 . Continue to provide opportunities for socializing and recreating
4 . Continued enhancement to the ambiance of Charbonneau
5 . Continue to explore opportunities for revitalizing the Village Center and its connection to the country club
6 . Continue maintenance and improvement of infrastructure , facilities , services and preservation of the golf course
The purpose of the 2040 Vision was not to design initiatives for the board to undertake , but to provide broad strategies that originated from the residents themselves while embracing core community values and retaining Charbonneau ’ s distinctive character .
The results of polling during the live presentation of the 2040 Vision were highly positive , with over 90 % approval . And the board has indicated that they ’ re pleased by the process , its transparency , the findings , and the priorities themselves . The task force ’ s work is complete .
The next step is for the board and staff to digest the full 2040 report , and over time develop initiatives for implementing the priorities . Charbonneau ’ s past and present have brought five decades of fulfillment and joy to residents , providing confidence for sustaining a bright future . To learn more , go to charbonneaucountryclub . com to access the recording of the 2040 Vision presentation .

High number of residents apply for board of directors positions

By LINDA OWEN Charbonneau resident
Seven Charbonneau residents applied to join the Charbonneau Country Club Board of Directors this spring . According to longtime residents this is the highest number of candidates ever to file for election to the three seats , which become vacant on the nine-member board annually . All applicants were vetted and interviewed by the Nominating Committee and found to be excellent and worthy candidates . The Nominating Committee noted that the large number of candidates reflects positively the actions the board has taken in the last few years to improve and update the facilities in Charbonneau . All candidates and a brief biography of each are in alphabetical order .
Lindy Anderson : Lindy moved to Charbonneau in 2005 after retiring from serving first as executive secretary and then general manager of the Mallory Hotel in Portland for her entire career . During her management of the hotel , she was involved in the Portland Rose Festival , Portland Rotary and as a board member of the Tri-County Lodging and several other organizations . She is currently secretary of the CCC Board of Directors and volunteer activity coordinator , as well as past treasurer . She is currently also serving as treasurer for both Charbonneau Women ’ s Association and Charbonneau Arts
Association .
“ I love Charbonneau and wish to continue to be an active member of our wonderful community , helping with all aspects that benefit our residents ,” she said .
Bubba Heard : Bubba is well known in the Charbonneau golfing community and can often be found behind the front desk at the Golf Pro Shop in Charbonneau . Prior to retirement he was an account executive for Franz Bakery , serving eight states and 648 grocery stores . Managing customer issues was an integral part of his position and he solved issues in the best interest of not only his customers but his employer , as well . He previously served as a board member for the Sacramento Juvenile Diabetes Board of Directors .
“ I desire to give back to this community that has been so good to my wife Liz and me . We have seen dynamic growth in the 15 years we have lived in Charbonneau . I would like to serve on the CCC Board to help continue making our community a great place to live ,” he said .
David Mauk : Dave has lived in the Pacific Northwest for 48 years . His career began in sales and marketing ; then he switched to finance before owning several businesses and consulting for many others . He held roles for legislative and trade groups , appointments as delegate to NAFTA , and by Washington ’ s governor as director of a pilot housing program .
He has served on more than a dozen boards and community organizations . Since moving to Charbonneau , he has served on the Communications Committee and the 2040 Committee , contributes regularly to The Villager and co-founded a nonfiction book group for the community .
“ I enjoy being of service in my community and am faithful in carrying that out . I believe leadership is the attribute most evident over my lifetime of activities and work . Leadership to me is a team sport , where the impact of combined effort is greater than the sum of those labors on their own . All oars in the water pulling for the finish line ,” he said .
Alice Galloway Neely : Alice worked in television news in West Virginia and was also involved in film production . She has a strong social services background and served as an independent consultant launching a state agency , developed programs from the ground up and assessing the service needs for children and crime victims in Oregon . Her strategic plan for Oregon ’ s special needs adoption program received national attention for its outcomes . Among many other programs developed by Alice she was instrumental in spearheading an effort to form SMART programs in schools across Oregon . Alice has served as a volunteer on at least nine other boards including as president of
See BIOS / A5

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