May 2024 May 2024 | Page 2

A2 May 2024 Pamplin Media Group

CCC President ’ s Corner


We have many important goals for this year

Spring is a busy time of year for the Charbonneau Country Club Board of Directors . Our nominating committee has concluded interviews for residents interested
SHEVLIN in joining the board in the May elections . The board consists of nine members , three of whom reach the conclusion of their term each year , and elections are held in order for all residents to have the chance to select new board members . Directors may serve a total of two three-year terms , and then must step down . After a period of one year , a previous board member may run again . This cycle repeats each spring , with the intent of welcoming three
new directors bringing fresh ideas and expertise , while maintaining six directors in order to sustain continuity year-to-year .
We have an unprecedented number of residents who will be on the ballot this year – seven qualified candidates are running for three open positions . We are pleased to have this much interest from residents wishing to take part in shaping the future of our lovely community . Please see the article elsewhere in this edition , highlighting the strengths and experiences of each candidate , all of whom would serve our board and commnuity well . Be sure to look for your ballot in the US mail and return it no later than May 15 .
Also on May 15 is the CCC Homeowners Association annual meeting . Beginning at 6:30 p . m . in the Clubhouse dining room , each current director will review the accomplishments of their committees and areas of responsibility . In addition , a financial overview will be provided , along with the state of the HOA and future plans . Results of the board election will be announced at this time . Please plan to join us for this informative meeting .
In March , the board held a work session to choose goals for the upcoming year . Goals guide the decisions of the directors and are based in part on scheduled maintenance or replacement for some of our assets , or from input gathered at committee meetings . Board committee membership consists primarily of residents and are chaired by a director . There are a number of very active standing committees including communications , emergency preparedness and public safety , asset management , civic affairs , activities , financial oversight , architectural control and the new resident welcome committee . The board goals for the 2024-2025 year , with an approximate date of conclusion , are listed below :
� Completion of the marina and adjacent parking lot – April-May 2024
� Completion of the cover over the outdoor sports courts — May-June 2024
� Collaborate with the city of Wilsonville to determine resident interest in a bike / pedestrian path on French Prairie Road , and , if approved , work with the city to develop plans for the path – 2024-2025
� Evaluate staffing needs for the 2025 budget cycle – October 2024
� Renew the Financial Oversight Committee and develop a Financial Dashboard – May-September 2024
� Develop a long-range plan to upgrade the entire CCC irrigation system – 2024-2025
� Develop options and cost estimates to increase the number of parking spaces in the Village Center lots – October 2024
� Optimize the new resident packet — July 2024
As some of the goals are completed , the board may select new goals to add during the year , depending on community input , identified needs or safety concerns . The report from the recently completed 2040 Plan will guide these and future board goals .
Spring is a beautiful time of year in Charbonneau . Visit the park , go for a walk or bike ride , or meet with friends for coffee or lunch outside at the Market Café in the Golf Pro Shop . As the weather warms up and the flowers begin to bloom , we hope everyone will be able to get outside and enjoy the beauty of our community .

Charbonneau creates its vision for 2040

By DAVE MAUK Charbonneau resident
The 2040 Vision Task Force unveiled its vision for Charbonneau Country Club after six months of work by its eight resident volunteers , two board members , one staff member and two Wilsonville city participants . It started with drafting and sending out a survey to residents . It ended by crafting a
vision statement and developing a cohesive set of priorities . Throughout the process , the task force remained focused on its mandate : identifying a roadmap that states clear priorities for the board to consider as strategies over the next 16 years .
In doing that , an important factor for the task force was being true to what makes Charbonneau the distinctive , special place it is . Like the original vision 50
years ago , and the 2020 Strategic Plan , elements of the 2040 Vision aligned with Charbonneau ’ s fundamental values of ambiance , beauty , neighborly charm and an abundance of recreational and social opportunities , all supporting an active , healthy lifestyle .
This led to defining a vision statement that would be the North Star for establishing the strategic priorities .
Charbonneau 2040 Vision Statement
Charbonneau strives to be a distinctive , thriving , caring community that embodies an active , healthy lifestyle in a scenic , secure environment , with a small-town ambiance .
Over 400 residents responded to the survey last winter . The results were
See 2040 PLAN / A4
J . Brian Monihan Publisher bmonihan @ pamplinmedia . com
Corey Buchanan Villager Editor cbuchanan @ pamplinmedia . com
Kim Stephens Circulation
Kstephens @ pamplinmedia . com
( 503 ) 479-2378
Mary Closson Advertising mclosson @ pamplinmedia . com
A Publishing Partnership ...
The Charbonneau Villager is a joint publishing partnership between the Charbonneau County Club and the Pamplin Media Group .
Advertising contact
Mary Closson mclosson @ pamplinmedia . com | 971-204-7809
Have an idea for a story ?
We want to hear about it . Corey Buchanan cbuchanan @ pamplinmedia . com | ( 503 ) 479-2378
ONLINE wilsonvillespokesman . com
Published monthly at P . O . Box 22109 , Portland , OR 97269 . Periodicals postage paid at Wilsonville Post Office and additional mailing post offices . POSTMASTER , send address changes to : Charbonneau Villager , P . O . Box 22109 , Portland , OR , 97269 ( USPS 021-752 ) Subscription rates : $ 36 per year in West Linn-Portland area ; all other areas inside Oregon and outside of Oregon $ 64 .