MAY 2024 MAY 2024 BULLETIN | Page 3



Grasford W . Smith 2023-24 PBCBA President
On Friday , April 26 , 2024 , the Bar is privileged to have US Attorney Markenzy Lapointe as our Law Day Luncheon Speaker . Mark leads an office of nearly 500 attorneys investigating and prosecuting federal crimes in South Florida and also litigating civil claims in which the United States has an interest .
Why does our Bar Association celebrate Law Day , and why is it relevant today ? As early as 1957 , American Bar Association President Charles Rhyne envisioned a day to recognize our legal system . The following year , President Dwight Eisenhower established Law Day as a day of " national dedication to the principles of government under the law ." Three years later in 1961 , Congress designated May 1 as the official date for celebrating Law Day . This program has grown tremendously over the years and is now celebrated globally .
Each year , the ABA creates a theme for Law Day and we at the ground level , as well as our counterparts throughout the world , design a program centered around that theme . In 2021 , the theme of Law Day was " Advancing the Rule of Law Now ," which was to " remind all of us that we the people share the responsibility to promote the rule of law , defend liberty , and pursue justice ." In 2022 , the theme " Toward a More Perfect Union : The Constitution in Times of Change " was recognized " as an opportunity to host or participate in discussions about law and its role in society ."
This year ' s theme is " Voices of Democracy ." The Voices of Democracy theme " encourages Americans to participate in the 2024 elections by deepening their understanding of the electoral process ; discussing issues in honest and civil ways ; turning out to vote ; and , finally , helping to move the country forward after free and fair elections ."
Seemingly every Presidential Election , we hear the common refrain that " this is the most consequential election of our lifetime ." No doubt , the upcoming Presidential Election presents some stark differences in policy that will impact the lives of citizens . We also know that local elections , such as our School Board and County Commission , play a critical role in our quality of life .
According to Pew Research , only about 2 / 3 of the voting-eligible population voted in the 2020 Presidential Election . Pew Research also details voter turnout gaps based on race and education levels . We cannot resign ourselves to historical statistical measures .
Various local groups have impactful initiatives dedicated to increasing access to voting . For example , the Urban League of Palm Beach County and various local churches have programs aimed to increase voter turnout on election days by providing transportation for those in need . Various local bar associations have participated in programs to help restore the voting privileges of citizens . Recently , the Young Lawyers Section of our Bar ” adopted " a voting precinct to assist citizens with voting on an election day .
With a more long-term perspective , I am proud that the Law Related Education Committee of our Bar is overseeing a writing competition for high school students aimed at the importance of civic duty . The importance of reaching back to our youth as they matriculate into adulthood cannot be overstated .
Thomas Jefferson once said " We do not have government by the majority . We have government by the majority who participate ." Put another way , " If you are not at the table , you are on the menu ." As lawyers , we have a higher responsibility to ensure that our democracy remains intact . This does not happen by accident . It takes the concerted effort of various organizations and individuals who understand that our right to vote is sacrosanct . Our Bar , with programs such as Law Day , is committed to its mission to " enhance the public ' s understanding and awareness of the legal system " and that includes raising our voice in our democracy by voting .