MAY 2023 BAR BULLETIN MAY 2023 | Page 19

2023 Bench Bar Conference Highlights

The Bench Bar Conference continues to serve as the largest gathering of Palm Beach County judges , attorneys , and paralegals , offering a unique forum to discuss pressing issues facing our legal community . This year ’ s Bench Bar Conference was held on Friday , March 10 , 2023 , at the Palm Beach County Convention Center . A special thanks to Florida Supreme Court Justice Labarga , who delivered a very impactful speech , and Chief Judge Kelley for the “ State of the Court Address .” Thanks to all the Judges who sat on many of the panels , Law Firms and Business Sponsors , the Bench Bar Committee under the leadership of Co-Chairs Robbie Wight and Jen Dinetz , Katie Mullinax ( our court liaison ), YLS , Court Tech , Court Security , and the Bar Staff . Here are some highlights from the event :