Dear Members ,
April is rounding out to be a pretty good month for the maintenance department . We have finished most of our early spring bulk applications other than a fairway insecticide application . The application is for control of mole crickets and white grubs and needs to be timed appropriately within the pest ’ s life cycle . We have sprayed a post-emergent herbicide on most of the areas that had a lot of poa annua infestation on them which should start to clean the course up quite a bit . That along with another pre-emergent application next month and the golf course should be looking clean .
We have battled through some strange weather recently , mostly dry and warm followed by a late season frost to set us back a bit . The golf course seems to have perked up after some much-needed rain . We will continue placing pine straw in some areas around the property , mostly tees and high visibility areas to spruce them up a bit . As we head into some warmer weather , we will be doing a lot of edging on the cart paths and bunker faces to try and get them squared away before the growing season really begins .
As always , we are looking forward to the upcoming season and events and will try to present the golf course in the best possible condition we can .
Thanks ,
Mike O ’ Malley