May 2021 | Page 12


The Best Version Of You


The healthiest thing you can do as a mom is take care of yourself . There is a reason why when you fly , you are told to put on an oxygen mask before anyone else . How will you be able to help others if you cannot save yourself ? When someone talks about taking care of oneself , a lot of judgment and assumptions are made about this statement . For example , many people would interpret this as selfish or egotistical , but when you really understand the meaning behind it , you realize the best version of you is the best gift you can give to others .

If we are being honest , how good do you feel when you do not get enough sleep ? How is your mood and behavior towards your kids with being tired or “ hangry ”? How present are you ? Would you agree that if you feel good , you will be a better parent , more patient , at peace , and energetic ? Incorporating some of these tips into your life will not only help you feel better but become healthier inside and out .
Yes , I know , I am super annoying , but I gave you a break by not writing about this for a couple months , which I hope you did not think meant you were off the hook . I am not asking for you to go out and run a marathon but incorporating some sort of exercise during the day - from walking to jogging , to yoga or any form of movement - will instantly lift your mood , give you more energy , and help your immune system , cardiovascular health , and bones .
12 GBSAN . COM | MAY 2021
The healthiest thing you can do as a mom is take care of yourself .
Put Yourself in Time Out
When you feel super stressed - like there is not enough time during the day - it is probably because you have not connected with the inner you and you are not present in the moment . Even if you just take two minutes , go somewhere quiet , close your eyes and focus on your breathing . Take a deep inhale and long exhale , hold , inhale four seconds , and then exhale . That simple exercise will reenergize you and keep you present and in the now , instead of looking ahead constantly .
Eat and Nourish Your Body
I am one of those moms that feeds everyone else and mindlessly eats , or sometimes does not eat at all because I am busy cooking and serving others . When I do not eat or eat without any self-awareness , I feel icky . It is important to nourish yourself so you can have more energy during the day , keep your blood sugar levels stable , and avoid “ hangry moods .” Keeping healthy snacks easily accessible is also a good idea .
Make Time for What You Enjoy
Whether it means seeing friends , enjoying a meal out with a loved one , or getting a massage , do something you truly enjoy and pamper yourself at least once a week . Doing things with friends or family enhances your happiness and the happier you are , the more joy you can bring home .
Have a beautiful Mother ’ s Day !