Dean T . Xenick 2020-21 PBCBA President
Having just celebrated Black History Month in February and Women ’ s History Month in March , this is the perfect time to discuss diversity as a whole in our profession .
To quote from the American Bar Association ’ s April 30 , 2016 article , “ Diversity in Law : Who Cares ?”( https :// www . americanbar . org / groups / litigation / committees / diversityinclusion / articles / 2016 / spring2016- 0416-diversity-in-law-who-cares /), the ABA defines diversity as “ the term used to describe the set of policies , practices , and programs that change the rhetoric of inclusion into empirically measurable change . Diversity includes more than just racial or ethnic diversity . The concept of diversity encompasses all persons of every background , gender , race , sexual orientation , age , and / or disability .”
The article goes on to state : According to the ABA , “ racial and ethnic diversity in the legal profession is necessary to demonstrate that our laws are being made and administered for the benefit of all persons . Because the public ’ s perception of the legal profession often informs impressions of the legal system , a diverse bar and bench create greater trust in the rule of law .” And negative perceptions of the legal profession impacts the “ public confidence in our system ,” says Thomas W . Ross , Professor of Public Law and Government at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill . As such , enhancing diversity and inclusion is one of the ABA ’ s primary goals .
Further , the ABA article states , “ A
Vision 20 / 20 – Focused on Recovery Step 10 – Diversity Makes Our Profession Better
diverse legal profession is more just , productive and intelligent because diversity , both cognitive and cultural , often leads to better questions , analyses , solutions , and processes .”
Lastly , The ABA article asserts , “ The other rationale for promoting diversity in the profession is that the nation ’ s leaders typically come from the population of lawyers and judges , points out Justice O ’ Connor ( Ret .). ‘ In order to cultivate a set of leaders with legitimacy in the eyes of the citizenry , it is necessary that the path to leadership be visibly open to talented and qualified individuals of every race and ethnicity ,’ continues O ’ Connor .”
From a more generic , non-law related perspective , in general diversity leads to better results professionally and personally . For instance , as was cited in the Steps 4 Change article , “ Why Is Diversity So Important ” ( https :// www . steps4change . org / why-is-diversityso-important /), the article provides three important benefits , including :
1 ) Diversity drives creativity and innovation
Every culture , every nationality , every single person sees the world in a different way . Similarly , every culture , nationality , and person has different knowledge , perspectives , and points of view . When all of these different views are shared together , miracles can happen . In order for us to learn something new , we need to be taught by someone who already has that knowledge and experience . If our teachers throughout school didn ’ t have any different knowledge and experience than us , than we would never learn anything from them . The same goes for different cultures and backgrounds . If everyone was exactly the same , no one would ever learn anything because there would be no knowledge to teach . Remember , two brains are better than one , and the more diverse we are , the more we have to learn from each other .
2 ) Higher rates of Productivity and Performance
Studies have actually shown that organizations that promote diversity and inclusion are happier and more productive than ones who
don ’ t . Why ? Because having a more diverse group of people means you will have a more diverse set of skills . What one person lacks in skill , another may prove to be an expert at . And when we put all of our skills together , we can get more done . Period .
3 ) Personal Growth Diversity is an awesome way for us to explore our inner curiosities . It gives us the opportunity to live outside of our comfort zone , enhance our learning , and develop an overall sense of personal growth . How ? In order to progress in our own personal development , we must take the time to ask questions and learn about various topics . The more diverse our social group , the more we have to learn . Embracing different cultures can help you to learn new languages , explore new traditions , and gain valuable insights . Every new country , and every new person can bring you different insights and progress your personal development if you are willing to explore and listen .
These are just a small sampling of the benefits of diversity in the workplace and our lives . I would encourage you to support organizations that advance diversity , including joining our Committee for Diversity and Inclusion ( CDI ), which does a phenomenal job supporting our diversity initiatives with programming and CLE presentations , along with our now famous “ Road to the Bench Academy ,” which recently graduated its inaugural class .
For those not aware , the mission of the CDI is to promote and facilitate the growth of diversity and inclusion in the local legal community through education , community involvement , and social engagement with and between people of varying race , color , religion , sexual orientation , gender identity , gender expression , ethnicity , national origin , age , and mental and physical disability .
And as always , I encourage you to drop me a line at dtx @ reidburmanlaw . com with any suggestions as to how we can do better , whether that be for “ work ” or “ play .” I hope to see you at one of our many planned events soon !