The Non-Profit Chamber of Palm Beach County Establishes the John Foley Legal Scholarship Fund
The Chamber has established a scholarship fund in memory of John Foley . It will be used to provide a scholarship to a Florida law student who is going to specialize in public interest law , as John did .
We thank Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County for readily agreeing to collect the donations .
The scholarship will be awarded at the Chamber ’ s Community Spirit Awards Luncheon in September . John was our first recipient of this award .
You can donate by going to https :// legalaidpbc . org / john-foley-scholarship-fund / or send a check to : John Foley Legal Scholarship Fund , Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County , 423 Fern St # 200 , West Palm Beach , FL 33401
Road to the Bench Academy Graduation Ceremony
The Palm Beach County Bar Association congratulates the following graudates : * Ann Fitz * Adriana Lopez * Alex Saiz * Danielle Sherriff * Elizabeth Berkowitz * George Lagos * Janice Haywood * Kaysia Earley * Mavette Campbell * Schnelle Tonge * Samuel Walker * Tania Williams * Zohar Peleg
Our special thanks to former Supreme Court Justice Peggy Quince who imparted wisdom and inspriation to our Road to the Bench Academy graduates . If you missed this event , please visit the Palm Beach County Bar Association ' s YouTube channel at https :// www . youtube . com / channel / UCtcipc3Kz9QeEfplDtBqOMw .