www.bymonline.org | May 2020 | page 07
her. Today around hundred gather once a month
near the BYM Headquarters. Many have joined the
church through this humble beginning.
A father went to his son and said, “Son, go and
work today in the vineyard.” The son rudely said, “I
will not”. But later he “changed his mind” and went.
He then went to the other son and said the “same
thing.” He very respectfully said, “Yes sir. I will go”
but did not go (Mt 21:28-32). God is asking us to go
to His vineyard and work. What will be our
response? Will we just say “yes” with our mouth
and wash our hands off our responsibility? We
need a “change of mind.” The first, changed his
mind and went. Even if we have not gone into His
vineyard to work, even if we had said, “I will not”, it
is possible to change our mind.
The second son changed his mind for the
worse. He had a mind to go. What made him change
his mind, we do not know. May be laziness, may be
some other work. Whatever it may be, he
disregarded his father's request and disobeyed him
for his own selfish reasons. We must take every
thought captive to make it obedient to Christ (2 Cor
10:5). If we harden our hearts like Pharaoh, then
God will harden our hearts (Ex 7:23; 8:15,32).
Their father did not command harshly. He
just asked them ever so gently. God's voice to us is
always a gentle breeze. We must be able to
understand His feelings and know His will. Will we
change our mind and go and work in His vineyard?
Buds and blossoms are not fruits. Our thoughts
and words must lead to commitment and action.
“In the days to come Jacob will take root. Israel
will bud and blossom and fill all the world with fruit”
(Isa 27:6). You must first bud, then blossom, then
fill the world with fruit. As a school student I taught
in the church Sunday School. As a medical student
I was budding. Since my father was a professor in
the same medical college, other professors would
ask him for my number so that they could pass me.
But I would refuse to give. They would tell my dad
that they had not seen a student like that. After fifty
years I met one of my old professors who told me,
“After you left, we are yet to see a house-surgeon
like you.” I was praying that God would give me an
opportunity to testify to atleast one or two of my
classmates. Within a short period, a man called me
and said, “Hi Lilian we are planning our fiftieth year
get together...” So I was there. Many went to the
mike and said, “Lilian was like this.... Lilian was
like that.” I was surprised. How keenly they had
been watching me! Then it was my turn. I went and
testified. They all sat spellbound, Hindus and
Muslims, Professors and Specialists. When I
concluded, there was an ovation. I bowed my head
and worshiped. I gave a story book to all and a New
Testament at the next get-together. I believe there
was a budding stage for me. Then I blossomed. Now
I believe I am filling the world with fruit. I am not
God's favorite. You can start budding now. You will
surely blossom and fill the world with fruit. Do not
be afraid. God is with you.
Ironically, the literal remnant of Israel is now
budding and blossoming, grabbing eyeballs from
around the globe. It has a message for us. We have
hope. God is not going to let us down. He is ruffling
His feathers and rising up.
Esther, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshak,
Abednego, Naaman's maid, all took root downward
and bore fruit upward. They were not known for
their foliage but for their fruit. They were a minority
and so are we. Those who desire to renounce
kingship to bear fruit will always be a small
number. But never mind. We can be the little flock
and fill the world with our fruit. Then we will
witness a repetition of the book of Acts. Take root,
bear fruit!