www.bymonline.org | May 2020 | page 02
Dear Remnant,
Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ!
It is very disheartening to hear the sad plight
of numerous people, as more and more of them are
being infected by Coronavirus. It has killed more
than 2,28,252 worldwide and more than 3,221,029
people have been infected (as on 30th April
2020).The world at large is perplexed. With no
vaccines, wealth and medical advances in other
fields appear to be a worthless trifle.
Pestilence is one of the signs of the end times
(Mat 24:7-8). Jesus describes that the occurrence
of these are merely the beginning of sorrows. With
the Lord's coming drawing near, we are certain to
face many a catastrophe with increasing incidence
and magnitude. So, let us ever be alert, lest our
hearts be weighed down by drunkenness and the
cares of this world. Otherwise the Day will come
upon us unexpectedly.
During times of calamity, our hearts tend to
search for the cause and pin the blame on
somebody or something. We tend to leave God out
of the whole story. But the Bible clearly states that
a disaster doesn't strike a city unless the Lord has
done it (Amos 3:6). Also the Lord says, “When I shut
up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command
the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence
among my people, if my people who are called by my
name humble themselves, and pray and seek my
face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will
hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal
their land” ( 2 Chron 7:13,14).
Let us renounce and repent from the sin of
forgetting God and His Word, the sin of enthroning
other gods like materialism, pride, ego, bitterness,
etc., For God resists the proud but gives grace to
the humble. Let us humble ourselves and
genuinely repent and seek His face for mercy.
I suggest the following 7S prayer during this
Stop: That the Lord will relent and stop the
Sick: That those affected by the disease be
Sorrowing: That those who have lost their
loved ones to the disease, be comforted.
Suffering: That the daily wagers, migrants
and all those who are affected by the lockdown be
supplied of their basic needs.
Supplication: That people should come to
the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Safety: Pray for protection of health and
security personnel who serve in the frontline.
Science: That God will give the researchers
the needed wisdom and insight in understanding
the disease so that it is better controlled and
medicines developed.
“For the Lord will not cast off forever, but,
though he cause grief, he will have compassion
according to the abundance of his steadfast love; for
he does not afflict from his heart or grieve the
children of men” (Lam 3: 31-33).
Yours in His Service,
A. Lionel
General Overseer