www.bymonline.org | May 2020 | page 18
Mr. C. Paul Francis aged 85 years has entered
into his eternal abode on 18th April. He was the First
Coordinator for Villages For Jesus (VFJ) of BYM. He
served as a Teacher in Municipal Higher Secondary
School, Palani till 1994 and retired. He served as the
village ministry coordinator with zeal and
enthusiasm for several years under the Full Gospel
Young Men Association (FGYMA), the earlier
identification of BYM. He was responsible for raising
various Nehemiah teams all over Tamil Nadu and
was instrumental in raising funds for the Mission.
He was a passionate soulwinner and he motivated
many lay volunteers to get involved in reaching the
villages. The Lord enabled him to disciple Mr. Paul
Immanuel and his wife Jebakani, who became
pioneer missionaries in BYM.
Mr. Paul Francis was a multifaceted
personality and was known as an orator, preacher,
teacher, writer and translator. He was instrumental
in translating the book by Leonard Ravenhill
entitled “Why Revival Tarries” which became a
blessing for many, and a booklet by Back to the Bible
titled “After death - What?”, in Tamil as
“Maranathirku pin enna?” In addition, he has
authored three books on Daniel, Revelation and
Proverbs in Tamil by incorporating and compiling
commentaries in Tamil. He is survived by his wife
Daisy Francis and sons Mr. Pushparaj (Marketing
Executive, Coimbatore), Dr. P. Stanley (Professor,
Louisiana College, USA) and Dr. P. Wilson (Associate
Professor & Head, Department of Chemistry, MCC,
Chennai). He has been blessed with 7 grand children
and a great grand daughter.
A life, well-lived
- Dr. Paul Wilson