May 2020 Guide May Guide | Page 23

Print and Play! Download PDF → 'Save Ink' PDF → directions Player cards 1. Print these two pages 2. Cut out the player cards, tokens, and gear indicators name 3. Find 3 dice board rules Roll to see who goes first. Racers begin in Park, and may only shift up or down 1 gear before each turn. The gear number you shift to equals the amount of dice you can roll. Racers must stop in each blue turn zone at least once, otherwise they stop immediately at the end of the turn zone and shift to park. If a racer runs into another player, that racer’s turn ends at that spot and they shift down 1 gear. Gear PArk 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 name Gear PArk 1 name Gear Start and finish at the checkered line. Play multiple laps for a longer game! PArk 1 Player tokens name Gear indicators Gear PArk 1