May 2016 May 13, 2016 | Page 18

Page 18 The Colebrook Chronicle Classifieds For Sale Central Boiler E-Classic OUTDOOR FURNACES. Heat your entire home and hot water. EPA Qualified. Call today, 1-800-295-8301. (603) 2378301. 6/24 Buying snowmobiles, ATVs and motorcycles. Call (603) 538-6963 or (802) 334-1603. TFN Le Rendez-vous French Bakery & Café 121 Main Street, Colebrook Flageolets, beans, Cardomom, dried fruits, Goji berries, wild dried blueberries, mulberries, etc. Organic quinoa, volcano rice, black rice, chia seeds, hibiscus (flowers) powder, rubbed sage, hemp seed, spices, sumac, Herbes de Provence, homemade Belgian chocolates. (603) 237-5150. TFN Back issues of Coos Magazine and Northern New Hampshire Friday, May 13, 2016 Call (603) 246-8998 Magazine, starting July 1989. $1 each, available at the Colebrook Chronicle, 82 Main St., Colebrook, NH. TFN Rototiller, 3hp, 17-inch; Furrow plow; 3hp 150 psi compressor. (603) 2374347. 5/27 BAG DAY at Alley Cats, May 14, $4 a bag. 10-2 p.m., 110 Main St., Colebrook (in back). 5/13 Antiques/Vintage and leave message. Brian Kingsley Painting and Interior Remodeling, Lancaster, N.H. 5/27 Wanted Top dollar paid for junk cars and trucks. Also, steel, batteries, aluminum cans. Call (603) 636-1667 days or (603) 636-1304 nights. 12/31 Would like to haul your junk and unwanted vehicles. Especially old Chevy trucks. Call Rusty. 237-5676. 11/1 Yard Sales MULTI-FAMILY SALE– SATURDAY, MAY 14–105 COLBY STREET–COLEBROOK–10AM– ITEMS INCLUDE: Wii, inversion table, 10 speed bike, clothing – Hollister, American Eagle, Abercrombie, Aeropostale, VS, prom dresses. Tupperware, Pampered Chef, pfaltzgraff, Yankee candles, Scentsy, home &holiday décor, Lia Sophia, way too much to list. Rain date Sunday, May 15. 237-8484. 5/13 half-mile up Cheesefactory Road. Saturday and Sunday, May 28 and 29, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. rain or shine. Furniture, household items, tools, misc. 5/27 Moving Sale Make an offer moving sale: Everything must go. Queen log bed, practically new glass top stove, washer-dryer, furniture, too much to list. May 16-30, 9 am-4 pm. 1569 Main St. (Baldwin Building), Pittsburg. Cash Only. 538-9698. 5/27 PITTSBURG—Multi-Family yard sale. Located at 24 & 27 Bacon Road, Packrats Secondhand Store & Mr. Hemon's Antiques: We offer an eclectic mix of vintage, antique, and gently used items for sale at 137 West Road, Clarksville. Open Saturdays 10-5, Sundays 10-3, weekdays/evenings by appointment. Check out our page on Facebook for updates to hours and inventory. 9/30 ANTIQUES, furniture/glassware, tools, one piece or entire estates. Call 752-3515, 723-1931. Ted and Wanda Lacasse. 5/20 Services 3 br. house in Columbia, newly renovated, $800 per month, plus security. No utilities, no smoking. Call 348-0839. TFN YOUR AD LOOKS GOOD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS!! Colebrook, newly remodeled apt., large 4 br., 3 full bath, large kitchen with washer/dryer hookup and dishwasher, heat, trash removal and plowing incl. $800/month. References, sec. deposit. Call (802) 277-4006. TFN Call us at 246-8998 Or stop by our office at Music Lessons: Guitar, Piano, Voice, Theory. Learn how music works. Weekly lessons. All levels. Roberta’s Studio, (603) 331-1628. TFN Help Wanted Waitstaff, bartenders. Apply in person at Black Bear Tavern, Main St., Colebrook. 237-5521. TFN Painter needed. Experience preferred. Please call to apply at (603) 788-4407 Wanted To Buy For Rent Stewartstown – In town, direct access for snowmobiles and 4-wheelers – 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartments. 1st floor available. Newly remodeled. Heated. Starting at $550. Call 603-237-8301. TFN Groveton--3 bedroom house, 1 baths, eat-in kitchen, wrap-around porch, living room, dining room, 1-car garage. $750 per month. Call Tony, (508) 335-7037. 5/13 Firewood Cut, split, delivered. Free delivery within 20 miles. Jones Brook Farm, Guildhall, Vt. (802) 328-2013. 12/31 FOR RENT: 2-br. Mobile home in nice park near the Shrine. Avail. May 1. $575 per month, plus security and references. Call Rick, (978) 551-2807. Dance Classes Step by Step School of Dance offering beginner’s ballet, ballet babies, jazz, tap and hip-hop, contemporary. (Kids and adults classes.) Individual and group classes available. For schedules and pricing, call (603) 237-4009 or 991-3387. TFN 82 Main Street in downtown Colebrook _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Monuments Cemetery monuments sold new, installed, cleaned, death date engraved. Dana Nordberg, (603) 3312942. 8/7 _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________