Maximum Yield USA October/November 2021 | Page 35

Here ’ s how . Oddly enough , plants that receive too much water can show symptoms similar to those suffering from not enough . Stunted growth , sagging branches and drooping leaves . Over watering can also flush out any nutrients you may have given the plant , thus , starving it as well . The mistake is made when the top part of the soil feels dry , giving the impression the rest of the soil must need water . Beginners are fearful their garden may suffer if they don ’ t keep their grow medium wet and , hence , tend to over water . Good drainage is paramount to avoid over saturation . Too much water is the main cause of root rot and other problems like mold . When the roots are gone so is the plant . The result of over watering is a strange dichotomy . The drowning of the roots prevents the uptake of water so the plant succumbs from lack of water . It ’ s kind of like dying of thirst while you ’ re drowning . I strongly encourage the purchase of a moisture meter . Many times I felt as though I should water , only to discover ( by using the meter ) it wasn ’ t yet time .
The Good News
Plants are survivors and very adaptable . Over watering doesn ’ t always result in the plant ’ s demise . They are capable of overcoming any number of adverse conditions to include drought , flooding , and temperature fluctuation . The beauty of growing indoors is your plants are subjected only to the conditions you create .
Be your own weatherman and create an environment in which your favorite plants will not only survive but thrive .
Maximum Yield 35