Maximum Yield USA October/November 2020 | Page 19

Profits going up in smoke? Minimize cost and maximize yield Waterite’s line-up of complete solutions for hydroponic cultivators. Excelgro+ Reverse Osmosis and Filtra�on systems have been designed specifically for all levels of hydroponic professionals by providing: • Consistent water quality for the perfect grow environment • Pure water which allows full customiza�on of nutrient solu�ons • Be�er return on your crop and growth targets Waterite is a North American manufacturer and distributor of water purifica�on systems for residen�al, industrial and ins�tu�onal markets. Waterite America, Inc. Suite 103-6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota, FL 34243 1.844.215.9618 Ohio Warehouse Suite G-3655 Brookham Drive Grove City, OH 43123 614.362.8345