Maximum Yield USA October 2017 | Page 110

beginner’s corner NUTRIENT FILM TECHNIQUE One of the more intricate hydroponic arrangements is known as nutrient film technique (NFT). This also involves the use of a reservoir and pump system. The plants are situated in net pots that allow the root system to hang down, and these pots are aligned in a row down the center of a channel. The channel resembles a hollow tube with a flat bottom and holes in the top for the plants. The nutrient solution is pumped up from the reservoir to the top of the channel. The channel must be positioned at an angle so that the water flows over the lower tips of the roots and back into the reservoir. The flat bottom on the channel allows for an even layer of solution to cascade over its surface, feeding the root system on the way down. “INJECTING air through a pump and various hoses allows the grower to control the size of the bubbles and the amount of aeration.” WICK SYSTEM Wick systems work exactly the way you think they do. A pot is connected to a reservoir by a large wick that soaks up the nutrient solution and delivers it to the root system. As the root system absorbs the solution, more is pulled up from the reservoir below. The best media to use in a wick system are coco coir or perlite, as they have a high level of absorption and water retention. However, wick systems are more basic than other types of hydroponic systems and they have their drawbacks. Unlike other mechanisms that deliver water to the root system, the wick method does not always provide enough water to completely saturate the media. So, even though wick systems are simple to use, they are best reserved for small plants or if you have limited space. GROW C HANNEL RESERVOIR/NUTRIENT SOLUTION NUTRIENT PUMP AIR STONE WICK MATERIAL AIR PUMP RESERVOIR/NUTRIENT SOLUTION AIR PUMP AIR STONE AEROPONICS One of the more advanced techniques of hydroponics is called aeroponics. Aeroponics utilizes a net pot and hanging root system like NFT. The roots hang above the nutrient solu- tion reservoir, but the roots and root tips are not submerged. Instead, the nutrient solution is delivered by means of a pump and misting system. These deliver precise amounts of water and nutrients at very specific times to ensure maximum absorption. The physical design of aeroponic systems can vary, as the upper tray that holds the net pots can be shaped to fit your space. As you really can dial in on the specific needs of your plants, aeroponic systems work extremely well. They are fairly simple in design but can be expensive and tricky to put together, so they are not for a beginner to hydroponics. GROW TRAY RESERVOIR/NUTRIENT SOLUTION NUTRIENT PUMP TIMER 108 grow cycle AIR STONE AIR PUMP