Maximum Yield USA November 2018 | Page 90

ten FACTS ON VACUOLES by Philip McIntosh Plant cells need to store substances for functions required later on. Vacuoles are good for that sort of thing. THE TERM vacuole sounds sort of like “vacuum” and it indeed stems from the Latin vacuus, meaning “empty,” though vacuoles are far from empty. UNDER WATER deficit, water VACUOLES ARE membrane- THE PRESSURE inside a plant cell caused by the expansion of the central vacuole can also assist in cell elongation when the cell wall is in a plastic state during growth. bounded sacs inside cells used for a variety of purposes. The main component of a vacuole is water, but in the water there may be a wide range of molecules of importance to a cell. ONE OF the most well-known of vacuoles is the central vacuole that is so prominent in many plant cells. THE MEMBRANE that encloses the central vacuole goes by the special name, tonoplast. THE IMPORTANT role of maintaining turgor pressure is assigned to the central vacuole which pressurizes the cell contents against the cell wall to keep the plant stiff and erect under normal conditions. 90 Maximum Yield flows out of the central vacuole and the internal cell pressure decreases, which may result in wilting of the plant body. OTHER SMALLER vacuoles are less noticeable but perform specialized roles within a plant cell. SOME VACUOLES are storage containers or processing centers for waste materials or secondary compounds such as pigments or resins. PLANTS, ESPECIALLY in their seeds, use vacuoles to store fats, proteins, and carbon compounds until they are needed later on.