Maximum Yield USA November 2018 | Page 38

T here are several ways greenhouse plants get pollinated — both by using natural and mechanical methods. In some cases, of course, plants that don’t require pollination are grown, or are propagated through other means, but for those that rely on old-fashioned plant reproduction, some very non-traditional methods have been developed over the years. Not all greenhouse crops need to be pollinated. Two crops common to greenhouse production, however, rely on it to be successful: cucumbers and tomatoes. Cucumbers and their relatives (squashes, pumpkins, gourds, and other cucurbits) produce male and female flowers. Pollination of cucurbits can only occur when pollen from the male flower makes contact with the female flower. Plants such as tomatoes, have what’s known as a “perfect” flower, meaning both male and female elements are housed within the same structure, but even as such, the pollen sometimes needs help hitting its target. Insect Pollination Just like in the great outdoors, some greenhouse plants are pollinated by insects traveling from blossom to blossom. Sometimes these beneficial insects find their way inside through open ventilation, but many growers intentionally release them to improve pollination in their greenhouse crops. Bees are often the answer. Honeybees are great pollinators, but few growers keep an active hive inside their greenhouse. Many, however, do raise them nearby and they will find their way inside during the months they are active. Growers with no interest in taking care of an active honeybee colony usually find eager, local beekeep- ers in need of an additional location to place one of their hives. The grower gets the benefit of pollination and the beekeeper gets additional honey. Honeybees, though excellent outdoor pollinators, are not always the best choice for greenhouse pollination — this is where bumblebees come to the rescue. Bumblebees are generally considered superior to honey- bees in greenhouse environments for several reasons. Both are relatively docile (if you have ever been stung it was likely by a wasp or hornet, not a bee), but bumblebees boast better vision than honeybees which is useful in an artificial environment where instinct alone may wholly not serve them. They are also more adapt- able to wider temperature ranges and envi- ronments than honeybees tend to be. They are more successful at pollination than honeybees because they have a longer proboscis (insect lingo for tongue) which collects pollen and nectar from deeper-throated flowers. Their wing vibra- tion, being a bigger insect than honeybees, also fans and spreads pollen further than honeybees. Honeybees and bumblebees are not the only types of bees being pressed into the service of greenhouse growers. Some are choos- ing to use smaller bees like Mason bees or Leafcutter bees. These two different species will do the same thing but are active at different times of the season. For early pollination, Mason bees can be consid- ered, and for mid-late season pollination, Leafcutter bees will do the job. These smaller bees can crawl right inside of even tiny flowers that some of the other types of bees cannot get into. As the name implies, though, Leafcutter bees will “cut” holes out of leaves to use in their nests. If leaf crops are raised in conjunction with crops needing to be pollinated, Leafcutter bees may not be the right choice in that instance. Other beneficial insects released or nurtured in greenhouse environments can help with pollination as well. Many predatory and parasitic insects that growers may rely on for biological pest control will often inadvertently aid in pollination. Ladybugs, green lacewings, and a whole slew of other flying and crawling “good guys” scour plant surfaces and undersides for their next meal or haven for their next generation of progeny. As they travel, they trample through pollen and nectar in blossoms. Pollen sticks to their legs and wings, so they deposit some elsewhere as they go about their business. Of course, these insects should not be considered for their pollination contribution alone, but they do provide a value-added service. “ B e e s a r e o f t e n t h e a n s w e r. ” 38 Maximum Yield