Maximum Yield USA November 2018 | Page 34

“ IF YOU REALLY WANT to have garlic-favorable soil, use soil with a pH balance of 6.5 to 7.0 — near neutral.” Harvesting and Storing Garlic As previously mentioned, garlic will be ready to harvest the summer after a fall planting. Pro-tip: Garlic is ready for harvest when the leaves turn brown. Loosen the soil around the bulbs before pulling so they aren’t harmed during removal. Pull upwards delicately or else you may bruise them. Place them in a warm, dry, and airy loca- tion protected from the rain and direct sun for about a week so they can dry. Afterwards they are ready for storage. Keep them at 50-60°F in a cool, dry location and they will last for four to eight months. Traditionally, they are kept in mesh bags or braided together and hung to ensure they remain dry. Garlic is a wonderful vegetable to consider for a winter garden. They pair well with onions and can be utilized in a variety of foods. Because nine cloves can be planted within one square foot, you can raise a thick garden of garlic which can be stored after harvest for long-term use.  34 Maximum Yield