Maximum Yield USA May 2017 | Page 134

ROOT SYSTEM will not be able to take up calcium sufficiently , even if it is present in the soil .”
growers know
The pH of soils can fluctuate and testing should be done on an annual basis at least to determine which amendments should be used that season . If BER is discovered during the growing season and no soil analysis was performed previously , gypsum should be applied at a rate of one to two pounds per 100 square feet to increase the amount of available calcium .
Some well-meaning but incorrect resources claim that a foliar spray of calcium will correct BER . This is folly ; for it to be usable for the plant , calcium must be absorbed from the roots , through the stems and leaves , and into the fruit of a plant via the xylem of the stem walls . If the introduced calcium cannot be absorbed in this manner , it will not benefit a plant suffering from BER . As fruit begins to develop , the waxy , outside layer also prohibits absorption through the fruit ’ s walls , again making a foliar or contact spray ineffective . Blossom end rot can also just as easily occur in soils with sufficient calcium as soils without it . In this case , soils that have high levels of soluble salts can decrease the amount of calcium that is available for absorption . Too much potassium and magnesium specifically block the uptake of calcium in plants . Too much nitrogen can lead to abundant leaf production at the expense of proper fruit development . There are instances where , in an effort to give plants an additional feeding , one can in fact be causing the conditions for BER to occur . Conversely , fertilizers that are low in nitrogen but higher in potassium , such as superphosphate , can help increase the absorption of calcium .
BER can usually be prevented by adhering to a few proper cultural practices around susceptible plants . Start by selecting healthy plant stock with a well-developed root system if possible . A poor root system will not be able to take up calcium sufficiently , even if it is present in the soil . There are cultivars of vegetables that are less susceptible to BER than others ; check seed catalogues , your local garden center , or cooperative extension if you need help in finding them . Make sure to observe the “ frost-free ” planting dates in your area . These can be found online or by contacting your local cooperative extension . This will help to avoid prematurely planting your seedlings , which could damage the root systems and prevent nutrient uptake . Ensure that the soil you will be planting in is well-drained . Waterlogged soils do not allow for your plant ’ s roots to breathe and they will rot , causing the plant to die . The easiest way to determine proper soil moisture is to grab a handful of soil a few inches below the surface . Squeeze the soil into a ball . Sufficiently moist soil will form a ball . If the soil is too wet , squeezing it will release water like a saturated sponge ; too dry and it will just crumble and not adhere into shape . There are moisture meters available to test this , but getting your hands into the soil is usually the best way to determine moisture .


ROOT SYSTEM will not be able to take up calcium sufficiently , even if it is present in the soil .”

Once your proper site has been selected and the soil has been appropriately amended , if needed , a few other practices will go a long way towards keeping BER at bay . Add one to two inches of mulch around each plant . In addition to the benefits of weed control , this will help to regulate fluctuations in both soil temperature and soil moisture , both which will benefit the root system . When weeding , planting , or otherwise disturbing the soil around any plant susceptible to BER , take care not to harm the root structure of your plants . Damaged roots of any kind do not function properly to transport necessary nutrients . Finally , make sure that moisture is evenly applied and given when needed . Make sure that in the absence of rain , your plants get at least one inch of irrigation per week at a minimum . This will make sure that whatever nutrients are in your soil can be utilized by your plants and therefore reduce the chance of BER taking hold in your garden .
132 grow cycle