Maximum Yield USA May 2017 | Page 118

beginner ' s corner

Some plants are so sensitive that the only way to successfully grow them is through transplanting .”

Transplanting is the technique of moving a plant from one location to another . It allows gardeners to start plants from seeds , which are sensitive to the environment and fragile , in optimal conditions before transferring them to a more permanent location in the garden . Growing plants from seeds can be difficult , especially if the plant is out of season . There are many variables to consider , and the first few weeks are the most fragile . Some plants are so sensitive that the only way to successfully grow them is through transplanting . When done successfully , transplanting is a great way to grow new plants , extend their season , and experience the joys of gardening indoors and outdoors . However , it can come at a cost . Simply put , plants aren ’ t meant to be moved — that ’ s why roots run deep and steel themselves in the earth . Moving plants from one area to another may incite transplant shock , which can kill the plant . To avoid this , plants need to be treated carefully and adjusted gradually to their surrounding environment .

Seeds and Seedlings
Before transplanting , you need to consider plant durability and strength . Plant the seed in the center of a flower pot big enough to support that specific plant . Be sure to use a flower pot with drainage so the soil conditions are optimum for young growth . Seeds have different germination times which can easily be identified online or from the back of the seed package . Allow the seed to grow indoors with frequent water and small amounts of sunlight or larger amounts of indirect sunlight . In roughly six weeks , the seed will have transformed into a seedling that is almost ready for transplanting . Knowing when the right time is to transplant a plant doesn ’ t depend on size , as each variety is unique in size and shape . Instead , look at the amount of “ true leaves ” on the seedling . The first leaves a seedling sprouts are called cotyledons , which provide stored food to the young and emerging plant . As it becomes stronger , the true leaves will emerge and begin generating energy through photosynthesis . These are almost always darker and bigger than the cotyledons . Once there are three to four true leaves present , the plant is ready to be transplanted to the outdoors .
Hardening Off
The most important part of the transplanting process is hardening off . This is the part when you allow the young plant to gradually adjust to outdoor conditions . Hardening off usually occurs over a week to two-week period , as sudden shifts in environment will cause plant shock and possible deterioration . When a plant is hardening off , its appearance may not change , but the cellular structure of its stems and leaves will adjust so that the plant can survive in a new environment . To begin this process , start by leaving the young plant outside for small periods of time . Begin with an hour , and then steadily increase the amount of time you leave the plant outside daily over the course of the next one to two weeks . By the end of the hardening period , the plant should spend most of its day outside in its new environment . If there are no signs or symptoms of shock , such as pale and sunburned leaves , the plant is ready to make the transition to the garden .
Garden Preparation
While the plant is in the hardening off process , you can prepare the seedling ’ s new residence . Mix compost and fertilizer into the soil so that it is fresh and full of nutrients . This energizes the soil , and it helps with the transplanting transition . Scientists strongly believe that plants resist disease and become stronger when they have healthy relationships with the rhizosphere . The rhizosphere is the space where roots and soil come together in a symbiotic bond . A nutrient-filled rhizosphere is the primary necessity for a healthy plant . Before you begin the formal transplanting process , you ’ ll need to confirm that the soil temperature is within the plant ’ s preferred range . Cold soil does not make for optimal growing conditions .
116 grow cycle