Maximum Yield USA March 2018 | Page 52

small living spaces
“ You can attempt to hydroponically grow greens in any room of the house where you would put an aquarium .”
You can attempt to hydroponically grow greens in any room of the house where you would put an aquarium . The principles are very similar . As with any other indoor growing environment , greens grown hydroponically need light , water ( obviously supplied in a hydro system ), and nutrients , since they will not be able to pull any from the soil . There are as many different hydroponic systems as there are hydroponic growers . A good place to start is with an aquarium , pump , and floating system to get your feet — or rather , your plants ’ roots — wet .
This is the next level up from keeping a pot of spinach or basil on the kitchen counter . Several companies make aeroponic growing devices that are usually all-in-one solutions and can be used to grow food anywhere . They do this by providing light , water , and a place for your plants to grow . Such devices generally take up a very small footprint , and while they are usually set in the kitchen , they could be put anywhere around the home . Note that aeroponics is probably the least cost-effective method of growing your own greens on this list , as the cost of such devices usually take quite a while to pay for themselves . There are , however , numerous DIY plans to be found on how you can build and use a similar device .
Growing on the Balcony / Patio / Porch
Most people favor colorful annuals and hanging baskets when growing in these outdoor spaces attached to dwellings . That is fine if aesthetics are what you want , but those same spaces could just as easily be dedicated to growing your own nutritious greens . You don ’ t have to sacrifice color , either . Many greens provide awesome , even striking colors . For example , rainbow chard is not only healthy and a prolific producer , but it is beautiful too . You could also take advantage of the numerous edible flowers available . A pot of red Russian kale surrounded by brightly colored pansies can make a statement as well as a meal . Trailing nasturtiums with their orange , yellow , and reddish edible blossoms and edible leaves can easily grow up a trellis . Lettuces , beet greens , and other braising greens come in a wide variety of colors that can make your landscape and your plate interesting to look at .
Growing in Cold Frames
This one does require access to outdoor space , but it can be successfully done in even the smallest of city lots . Cold frames are made by placing old windows ( be mindful of lead paint ), glass doors , Plexiglass , or any other opaque material at an angle on a south-facing wall of a structure , or they can be made to be free standing with bales of straw as walls . Placement up against a house is preferable to a
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