Maximum Yield USA June 2018 | Page 67

HOUSEHOLD CHEMICALS Hydrogen peroxide, bleach, vinegar, and other household chemicals sometimes make their way into the garden. Many of these are incompatible. For example, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide together create peracetic acid, which can harm you if sufficiently concentrated, while bleach and many acids release chlorine gases when mixed. Even carpet, which is a material made of many chemicals, can create toxins when saturated with another chemical. These incompatibilities can become an issue when making homemade growroom remedies. Just because a mixture is recommended on a website is no reason to assume it will be safe when you make it. Many of these formulas have not been sufficiently studied. A website presenting a home remedy should clearly point out the possible dangers or unintended consequences if the mixing is not done properly. The instructions should also make it clear the exact quantities to mix and at what temperature. Less than this would not be responsible. Of course, you can always opt to buy premixed products, which have been studied and mixed at safe levels for use. c al i m e “A ch mply i s s i s ta n c e ub a ny s s i s t i n g con tter.” o f ma Maximum Yield 67