Maximum Yield USA June 2018 | Page 56

GARDENING summer H O T T I P S & H A R D Y P L A N by Bryan Traficante & Wiley Geren Summer is not far off and it’s important to protect your gardens from the heat and drought that will surely afflict some warm-weather states. Research and knowledge are key as you protect your fruits and vegetables from the harsh summertime elements. 56 Maximum Yield S ummertime gardening comes with its own set of challenges and obstacles. Winter may be bleak and unfriendly to gardens, but the summer heat and drought can be just as devastating. Gardeners in hot-weather zones (Hardiness Zones 7 and higher)—southern and western states like Florida, Texas, and California—can expect hot summers and/or droughts capable of killing gardens. That’s why veteran gardeners have a few tricks to ward off the heat and plant vegetables that can handle the sun’s overpowering rays. Square foot gardening, watering grids, shade, proper soil, and mulching can make the difference between a scorched garden and a vibrant one. Of all the advice given, however, none is more important than research. T S