Maximum Yield USA July 2018 | Page 51

Nutrition for Mother Plants Some growers think mother plants simply need a good vegetative fertilizer. Vegetative fertilizers usually contain a high ratio of nitrogen to promote accelerated growth. This is great in the vegetative stage, but it is not ideal for maintaining the health of mother plants over an extended period. Again, the goal of cultivating mother plants is promoting the healthiest growth possible, not the fastest growth possible. Healthy growth begins with the use of the highest-quality potting soil. When the organic ingredients within the soil become depleted, growers can supplement a liquid fertilizer. A good rule of thumb is to use a diluted mixture of vegetative and blooming fertilizers. A mix of quarter- strength vegetative fertilizer and quarter-strength blooming fertilizer can be a great mother plant fertilizer regimen. For mother plants kept in hydroponic solutions, a good rule of thumb is to balance the nitrogen and potassium in a 1:1 ratio. An N-P-K with a 1:1:1 ratio is a great general nutrient solution for mother plants in a hydroponic system. In many cases, the calcium contained in the base nutrient may not be enough to support the continued healthy cell development in mother plants. So, it is always a good idea to use a specific calcium supplement for mother plants. In addition to the base nutrients and calcium, it is advis- able to supplement the mother plants’ feeding program with enzymes, micronutrients, and trace elements. All these supplements, when used in addition to a base fertilizer, will help maintain general health. Many growers also use some sort of foliar application program for general health. A fulvic acid or seaweed extract can be used as a foliar spray to help stimulate healthy development. It is important to remember that all grow spaces and plants are slightly different. All growers should attempt a little experimenta- tion to develop their own specific feeding regimen for main- taining the health of their mother plants. Maximum Yield 51