Maximum Yield USA February 2017 | Page 58

conduct yourself
What is Electrical Conductivity and Why is it Important to my Plants ?
Electrical conductivity ( EC ) is a quick , simple , and inexpensive way that farmers and gardeners can check the health of their soils . Whereas pH is a good indicator of the balance of available nutrients in your soil , electrical conductivity can be viewed as the quantity of available nutrients in your soil . It is important to note that only nutrients that are dissolved in the soil water are available for crops to take in . In the soil , EC reading shows the level of ability the soil water has to carry an electrical current . The EC levels of the soil water is a good indicator of the amount of nutrients available for your crops to absorb . The major and minor nutrients important for plant growth take the form of either cations ( positively charged ions ) or anions ( negatively charged ions ). These ions that are dissolved in the soil water carry an electrical charge , and thus determine the EC level of your soil . Knowing your soil ’ s EC allows you to make more educated farming decisions about adding fertilizers to particular crop locations , or the rotation of your plots .
This instrument also lets you know if your soil conductivity is too high , which can cause issues with normal soil and plant functions like respiration , decomposition , nitrification , and denitrification . Conversely , a lack of nutrients in the soil can create plant nutrient deficiency , which could lead to plant disease and susceptibility to certain pests and pathogens .
Factors to Consider Regarding Electrical Conductivity
Each plant has unique needs to be as healthy as possible : the correct ratio of nutrients , the correct temperature of the soil , and the right amount of watering and fertilizer . While it ’ s important that each plant receive the nutrients it needs in order to be healthy , having too much of any one nutrient leads to slower growth , lower yields , and even toxicity . To avoid nutrient buildup , plants require their soil to be flushed at every scheduled opportunity . Even this requires proper timing , as flushing too often will leave plants nutrient deficient . Using a direct soil EC meter helps farmers tailor their feeding and flushing schedules to individual plant needs . Meanwhile , the temperature of soil needs to be regulated so plants will be

EC allows you to make more educated farming decisions about adding fertilizers to particular crop locations , or the rotation of your plots .”
incubated but not overheated . As with nutrients , temperature requirements vary with each plant : some plants like peppers enjoy a hotter soil , while plants like cucumbers enjoy a much lower soil temperature . Soil temperature not only depends on climate , but also watering frequency and the size of the plant ’ s container : more watering leads to lower temperatures , whereas smaller , shallower containers build up heat more quickly . Finally , plants need certain amounts of watering and fertilizer to remain healthy .
56 Maximum Yield USA | February 2017