Maximum Yield USA December 2021/January 2022 | Page 35

” There are dozens of other types of salad green plants that can be grown hydroponically with varying degrees of success and varying skill levels .“
To successfully employ this method of harvesting and to have a continual supply of lettuce , it is necessary for staggered seeding and harvests , just like with the looseleaf harvests . Unlike the leaf-by-leaf harvest which can be done every couple of days , the cut-and-come again method requires at least a week or two in between harvests depending on variety . Regardless of harvesting method for leaf lettuce , it will need to be consumed within a few days of harvest before it wilts and is unusable . Because so much of the makeup of lettuce is water , it is not possible to freeze it successfully and longterm storage is not an option either . Freshly harvested leaf lettuce can be stored in a refrigerator for one to two weeks on average . If it starts to get limp soon after harvest or while being stored , it can be rinsed with ice water or submerged in cold water . Then , the excess water should be shaken off and the lettuce leaves can be placed in a resealable bag until they are ready to be taken to market or consumed .
Best Varieties for Hydroponic Harvests
Varieties to choose for hydroponic growing are overwhelmingly loose-leaf types . There are dozens of different species with ruffled leaves , smooth leaves , round leaves , lobed leaves ( oakleaf types ), and many other shapes . Colors vary widely as well , spanning almost the full spectrum of the rainbow . Lettuces are not the only greens that can be grown hydroponically . There are dozens of other types of salad green plants that can be grown hydroponically with varying degrees of success and varying skill levels . Consider greens like kale , collards , arugula , spinach , mizuna , or Swiss chard for variety . Microgreens can also be grown and harvested hydroponically . They can be harvested by cutting stems , or taken out in clumps , or roots and all like head lettuce .
Several herb varieties are appropriate for hydroponic production as well . Some growers will seed a variety of greens and herbs in the same block or cluster and harvest these bunches as one clump , providing great variety for consumers as well as for homeconsumption . Whatever type you choose , lettuces are an easy crop to grow and harvest in a hydroponic system .
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