Maximum Yield USA December 2019 / January 2020 | Page 22

good TO GROW 7 8 9 7 | Sunblaster T5 LED Conversion Lamps Sunblaster’s T5 LED lamps instantly convert T5 HO florescent-driven lighting fixtures to high-quality LED output in a matter of seconds. The lamp is 100 per cent compatible with all Sunblaster T5HO strip lights and the popular remote electric-ballasted T5HO lighting fixtures. Get improved lighting spectrum and output with these innovative Sunblaster conversion lamps. They come with a one-year warranty and are easy to use. 22 Maximum Yield 10 8 | Hygrozyme Hygrozyme is a revolutionary natural enzyme product designed to make plant root zones healthier. Add Hygrozyme to your nutrients of choice as it helps to prevent diseases such as root rot by breaking down dead root matter into simple sugars, releasing additional nutrients. Along with other benefits, the formula stimulates microbial growth, which in turn improves nutrient uptake and results in increased yield as well as improved drainage and aeration. Hygrozyme accelerates plants’ root zones from seedlings or cuttings to harvest. 9 | Purpinator Purpinator is the first nutrient of its kind designed to improve purple color, aroma, and potency. Adding Purpinator during the entire plant life cycle enhances the production of anthocyanins, which improve coloration of the plant, to deliver deep, rich hues of purple in capable cultivars. Purpinator’s all-natural formulation enhances the plant’s “purple” color without inducing stress or modifying the growing environment, making it a unique and powerful tool for any grower. It also helps boost terpene production and secondary metabolites. Available through Left Coast Wholesale. 10 | ONA Gel Trusted for excellence in odor control. ONA neutralizes odors at a molecular level; it is not a masking agent. ONA’s powerful, high-quality essential oil-based formula has proven to eliminate the worst smelling industrial odors over the past 24 years. ONA is safe to use around people, pets and plants. If you eed a little extra power, use an ONA Breeze or Cyclone Fan for larger rooms or during times when odors are extra strong.