Maximum Yield USA December 2017 | Page 52

featur understanding different grow lights HID “ HIGH-INTENSITY discharge lights offer the brightest light of any lights discussed in this article, so they offer the added benefit of allowing crops to be easily inspected.” 48 feature High-intensity discharge lights (HID), also known as gas or discharge lights, are commonly manufactured as metal halide (MH) or sodium vapor lights (HPS lights are also HID lights, but they are excluded here since they were discussed above). These work by passing electricity through a gas-filled tube. High-intensity discharge lights offer the brightest light of any lights discussed in this article, so they offer the added benefit of allowing crops to be easily inspected. They were used by growers for many years since they are about 10 times more efficient than traditional incandescent lights, which are inefficient, burn hot, and offer little in the way of blue light. High-intensity discharge lights, while more efficient than incandescent lights, still emit a lot of heat. Among the HID light choices, HPS lights are roughly equivalent in terms of energy efficiency compared to MH bulbs, but they are more efficient in their photosynthetic value. Metal halide bulbs offer better light on the blue side of the spectrum than HPS do. High-intensity discharge lights also require large, bulky, and often costly fixtures to operate them, though the bulbs themselves are relatively inexpensive. They are not typically the grow light of choice for most hobbyist growers or growers who operate in relatively small growrooms. The technology, however, is old by today’s standards and most current research is being directed towards light emitting diodes (LEDs) and sulfur plasma technologies.