Maximum Yield USA December 2016 | Page 98

SEASONAL GROW TIPS Change Room Configurations from Summer to Winter If using a non-sealed room, growers will need to preheat the air coming in from outside when the weather turns cold. This might not have been necessary in summer, but the extreme cold can really damage plants. Consider bringing the air through a window into a closet or laundry room before entering the growroom. In summer, it might be better to bring the cool air from the house in through the growroom and out through a window instead of the other way around. It just depends on the garden’s access to windows and cool air. In sealed rooms, air conditioning is used year-round. Remember that Winter Air is Drier This important fact will cause gardens to fluctuate in humidity from season to season. It should be noted that adjustments may need to take place to regulate humidity between seasons. A hygrometer can measure the garden’s humidity and trigger fans on and off to increase airflow and thus lower humidity. Also, many times the decreased need for ventilation of heat during winter will help increase humidity. It is best to be aware of humidity levels during all seasons and invest in the proper equipment to control it accordingly. With your growroom now running at optimal temperatures, your next concern over the holidays might be taking some time off from your plants. If you choose this route, here are some essential pointers for your growroom. They will come in handy even when you’re not planning a week-long get-away. A hygrometer can measure the garden’s humidity and trigger fans on and off to INCREASE AIRFLOW AND THUS LOWER HUMIDITY." 96 Maximum Yield USA  |  December 2016