Maximum Yield USA December 2016 | Page 70

A ONE-TWO PUNCH FOR PLANTS “ Everything from high temperature and humidity to an imbalance in your fertilizer can result in calcium and magnesium deficiencies. 260 ppm calcium. This breaks down, per gallon, to 5.8 grams of calcium nitrate and 4.6 grams of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts). You can always adjust your mixture to compensate for specific deficiencies, depending on the symptoms you are seeing in your garden. If all of this sounds like too much work, there are a ton of cal-mag formulations out there that are ready to go. Many of them include additional nutrients like iron or nitrogen, but they all stay within certain parameters regarding their levels of calcium and magnesium. Nutrient deficiencies in the garden can arise for a multitude of reasons. Everything from high temperature and humidity to an imbalance in your fertilizer can result in calcium and magnesium deficiencies. The decaying of leaf structure, fading of leaves, and yellowing with green veins are indications your calcium and magnesium levels are low. As these two nutrients play such an important role in plant growth and development, it is important to be able to recognize the symptoms of deficiency quickly and respond appropriately. Really coming to understand the role that calcium and magnesium play in your garden is vital in knowing how to correct problems that arise from deficiency. 68 Maximum Yield USA  |  December 2016