Maximum Yield USA August 2017 | Page 114

beginner's corner What may cause a plants natural flavor to be amplified? “A HEALTHY living soil media is much slower to respond to any change you make; because of this, maintaining stability can be easier.” The healthier a plant is, the more of its natural chemicals and flavors will be exhibited. To say one technique of growing (soil or hydro) produces a less-bitter flavor than another takes this issue in the wrong direction. Bottom line: to obtain the maximum flavor and the healthiest produce, it is important to obtain optimum plant vigor by providing all the necessary nutrients. Using the same soil to grow the same crops year after year diminishes the productivity of the crop as well as its flavor. The major cause of this is depletion of essential micronu- trients in the soil, as well as the likelihood that microbe variety and count may have diminished. Remember that the life within the grow media is key to plant nutrient uptake. Various bacteria and fungi need to work symbiotically with the plant roots to produce vigorous, healthy, tasty produce. System comparisons The microbiology within the grow media is just as important no matter which system (soil or water) we choose. Though DWC offers the opportunity to quickly measure and adjust the nutrient mix and microbial life forms, it also requires a continual awareness of what is going on within the media. A healthy living soil media is much slower to respond to any change you make; because of this, maintaining stability can be easier. Controlling nutrient levels and media microbiology is the essence of producing optimum flavor and health benefits. Ambient air and media temperatures also contribute to these factors, and these aspects can be controlled better in hydroponics. In the correct season (provided local climate allows), soil grows will typically neutralize this benefit to a great degree. Anecdotal reports on flavor or health benefits on each of these growing techniques will continue to be debated (see reference QR link at the end of the article). As time and controlled studies continue there will exciting new things to learn. Current science would seem to indicate that either method can be used for optimum flavor and nutrition, when operated properly. Picking the technique that matches a particular grower seems to be the most important choice. How much time and expertise does the grower have available? Is the climate where the grower is located going to provide the necessary conditions for optimum plant health and vigor? As for the possible conflict between providing optimum health or best flavor, this is the growers decision and subsequent efforts that make the difference, not really which of these systems is used. 112 grow cycle