9 | Reiziger Grow
Food A&B
Reiziger’s Grow Food
A&B is a full-spectrum
nutrient designed without
compromise to enhance
the cultivation of all crop
specific strains. Grow Food
A&B is free of contaminants
and derived from pure
nutritive ingredients. It
helps stabilize pH, guarding
your crops against
fluctuation stress and
nutrient deficiencies. The
balanced formula provides
macro, secondary, and fully
chelated micronutrients,
plus innovative and
revolutionary patented
phosphorus facilitates
better absorption by the
roots. Reiziger Grow Food
A&B nutrients are designed
for use in all hydroponic
growing media, both
recirculating and non-
recirculation systems.
10 | American Hydro
Epic Nutrients
American Hydro’s new
Epic nutrient series should
be used in combination
for fast-growing flowering
annuals during all stages
of growth. Gromagnon
(10-6-17) is a growth
nutrient formulation that
pushes flowering plant
productivity (including
cannabis) during the
high growth stage. Big
Bang Bloom (15-0-17 and
0-23-26) is a two-part
powdered formulation
for hydroponic and plant
cultivation. For use in
soils, inert media, and
water, this formula is
made for all plants in the
flowering stage. Epic
Boost (1-4-6) has one goal:
to increase the formation
and size of trichomes.
Epic nutrients are
distributed by Hydrofarm.
Maximum Yield