Maximum Yield USA April 2017 | Page 122

beginner ' s corner
The Process of Hardening Off
The three biggest factors affecting a plant ’ s transition from an indoor environment to an outdoor environment are direct sunlight , wind , and temperature . Each of these three factors can adversely affect seedlings and young plants when transitioning from an indoor environment to an outdoor environment .
Direct Sunlight
Many gardeners do not realize how much more intense the sun is than an artificial light source . Even plants grown under high intensity discharge lighting will have a hard time transitioning to the intensity of the sun ’ s rays . Tender seedlings and young plants grown indoors on a window sill or under a grow light must be gradually transitioned into the sunlight . Always start by placing the tender seedlings in a shaded area . After a couple of days in the shade , the seedlings can be introduced to direct sunlight . Remember , gradual increases are the key to success in the hardening off process . Each day , the grower can increase the amount of time the seedlings receive direct sunlight . Depending on the plant variety , the grower can usually increase the duration of time in direct sunlight by one to two hours per day . Typically , seedlings should be acclimated to the direct sunlight in about a week . Any sign of burning or wilting is an indicator that the transition is happening too quickly and should be slowed down . “ Tender seedlings and young plants grown indoors on a window sill or under a grow light must be gradually transitioned into the sunlight . Always start by placing the tender seedlings in a shaded area .“
120 grow cycle